The Secretary for International Affairs and the Dean of Graduate Studies publish this call for applications for the selection of candidates for graduate studies at UnB for admission to the 2nd academic semester of 2023, in accordance with current regulatory requirements: Resolution N. 80/2021 of the Council for Teaching, Research and Extension of UnB (CEPE), Resolution N. 044/2020 of the Council for Teaching, Research and Extension of UnB, Resolution N. 05/2020 of the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies of UnB, Resolution N. 06/2020 of the Chamber for Research and Graduate Studies of UnB.



Publication of the call for applications 03/15/2023
Submission of applications 04/01/2023 - 04/30/2023
Analysis of applications 05/02/2023 - 05/31/2023
Publication of the provisional result 06/05/2023
Appeals 06/06/2023 - 06/10/2023
Publication of the final result 06/11/2023
Confirmation of interest from candidates approved at the first round 06/15/2023
Publication of second round 06/16/2023
Confirmation of interest of candidates invited during the second round 06/23/2023
Start of the academic semester 08/25/2023



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