The Undergraduate Students Program by Agreement (PEC-G) was conceived and developed in the second half of the 20th century by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) and by the Ministry of Education (MEC), in partnership with public authorities, at federal and state levels, as well as with private companies.


The PEC-G Program chooses foreign students, who have completed High School, with minimum age of 18 and, preferably, under 23 years of age, who are interested in studying in Brazil.


The participants are exempt of payment of tuition fees. The conditions to be met by the students are: Completion of high school or equivalent, and proficiency in Portuguese Language according to Celpe-Bras*(in the case of students from non-participating nations of the CPLP - Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries); Proof of funds to cover expenses related to maintenance (food, housing, transport, etc.) during the entire period of the course in Brazil.


The agreements between Brazil and the countries of origin foresee the preferential selection of people included in socioeconomic development programs and they establish the student's commitment to return to their country with the aim to contribute to it, in the area of studies in which he obtained the degree.

*For candidates who reside in countries that do not apply the Celpe-Bras, it is possible to take the exam in Brazil after taking a 1 year preparatory course.


How it works

The selection of the exchange student is made by the Divisão de Temas Educacionais DCT/MRE and the Coodernação-Geral de Relações Estudantis SESu/MEC, assisted by a comission of the partner institutions’ representatives.


Edict publication date

 The edict is publicated annually 

Admission date

 The admission date is set by the Academic Calendar


Offered degrees

 Depends on the current edict

Number of vacancies

 The number of vacancies is established by the Ministry of Education (MEC), after offer of places by participating HEIs.




The exchange students selected by the Ministry of Education (MEC) who are from french speaking countries can reach to UnB during their first year to take the preparatory course for the Celpe-Bras. The course is offered by Research and Teaching Center of Portuguese for Foreigners (NEPPE) and it is free for those students mentioned. After passing the Celpe-Bras exam, the student is allowed to begin their undergraduate degree in their previously selected university.




DCE - PEC-G: Página Inicial ( (in Portuguese)




Decreto Nº 7.948, DE 12 DE MARÇO DE 2O13 (in Portuguese) 

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