Cotutelle is the international cooperation modality that allows the student regularly enrolled in a Graduate Program (Master's or Doctorate) to obtain, at the same time, a Master's or Doctor's degree issued by UnB and by a foreign higher education institution.  


To request a cotutelle the student must:  

  • be regularly enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program 
  • obtain authorization from the advisor and the graduate program;  
  • find an advisor at UnB 


The cotutelle proposal will become an agreement signed between UnB and the foreign institution.


The minimum period of stay for Master's students at UnB is one academic semester (6 months).


The minimum period of stay for doctoral students at the Foreign Institution or at UnB is one academic year, consecutive or not.


The professor/advisor at UnB must formalize the request on behalf of the student.  


The procedures at UnB must be initiated at least six months before the expected date of signature by the Rector/Secretary of International Affairs at UnB.  


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