In order to become a partner with the University of Brasilia, the institution must identify which fields of knowledge will be involved in the partnership.


After that, there must be a contact with a UnB Faculty member who works in the identified field(s). Is this Faculty member that will propose the International Agreement (MOU).


Common partnership activities include: 


  1. Exchange of information between researchers;
  2. Development of research programs;
  3. Exchange of equipment and bibliographical material;
  4. Exchange of pedagogical experience and information;
  5. Exchange of teaching resources;
  6. Exchange of professors, students, specialists and administrative staff;
  7. Presence in debates, conferences and meetings of mutual interest.


If your institution is interested in becoming a partner but does not have a Faculty member contact, our international cooperation team will be happy to help finding someone. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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