Every foreigner who enters the Brazil with the a visa must take the National Migration Registeration (RNM) 

Deadline: Up to 90 days after you arrive in Brazil. 

Here's how to request an appointment (In Portuguese): https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/cadastro-estrangeiro/faces/restrito/manterAgendamentoExterno/agendamento.seam?cid=27942 

Documents you need for National Migration Registry (RNM): 

See instructions on the website of the Federal Police (In Portuguese) >> http://www.pf.gov.br/servicos-pf/imigracao/cedula-de-identidade-de-estrangeiro/documentos-necessarios-para-registro/visto-consular/visto-consular 

  1. Specific form available here (In Portuguese): https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/sismigra-internet/faces/publico/tipoSolicitacao/solicitarRegistroEmissaoCie.seam?cid=49948 
  1. Two 3cm × 4cm photos, recent, colored and with white background 
  1. E-mail address and other means of contact 
  1. A copy of proof of residence (Ex: water bill, telephone bill, etc.) and fill in the document Declaration of contacts 
  1. Valid travel document or other document that proves the identity and nationality, in accordance with the treaties to which Brazil is signatory 
  1. Visa form or Birth, marriage or consular certificate, when the travel document or official identity document does not provide information about affiliation 
  1. Proof of payment of the fee “Código 140120 – EMISSÃO DE CEDULA DE IDENTIDADE DE IMIGRANTE (R$ 204,77)”, when applicable. 

You can generate the document bill here (In Portuguese) >> https://servicos.dpf.gov.br/gru2/gru?nac=1&rec=2 

On the field “Unidade Arrecadadora” you must select SUPERINTENDENCIA REGIONAL 0094 

On the field “Código da Receita STN” you must select CODIGO 140120 

The document can be paid at any banking institution, lottery houses and post office. 

Attention: You must be carrying your student visa in your passport! 


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